<Glossary | Table of content | UseCase Model >
System Context
The content filled here has been put only for illustration and to prpose a structure for the work product. It has to be contextualized to the project. All diagrams have been done relying on the modeling tool PLANTUML
The SYSTEM is a platform aiming at XXXXXX.
It is composed of several components linked over REST API in order to promote lose coupling among components of the system though finely integrated.
The main responsibilities of the SYSTEM are to
- be triggered by external tiers (loosely coupled exernal component)
- add a responsability…
The SYSTEM is interacting with the below actors
- EXTERNAL ACTOR #1 : These users can administrate the component (Access to the logs, configure the process orchestration)
- add a new actor
Architecture Dossier - Markdown Template - March 2018